Yao Lu

Yao Lu

Yao Lu, graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy, bamboo flute (Dizi) and guzheng performer.

She learned to play bamboo flute under the tutelage of Mr. Zhan Yongming, the famous flute performer, educator, and doctoral supervisor of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. On the other hand, she started out her guzheng journey under the guidance of Ni Lei, a guzheng performer, then pursued further study of guzheng under the instruction of Ms. Wu Yang, a famous performer.

She has been involved in a variety of TV music programs, large-scale performances and recording work over the years. She was also invited to be a special guest star featuring in the movie “Tiny Times 3”. In addition, she has participated in the variety show “I Love the Voice” produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV.

She set up Magic Eastern Music Studio while living in the US. Magic Eastern Ensemble consists of vigorous young talents was formed under her efforts. She has been committed to promoting the traditional national instrumental music culture and the cross-border new folk music that conforms to the aesthetics of Western music culture. She was given the opportunity to perform some adapted music such as Kangding Love Song, with the support and encouragement of Christina Liang, the famous Taiwan composer, music creator, and the winner of the 21st Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music. Many local Americans and Chinese Americans have developed a great interest and acquired a new understanding of traditional Chinese instruments through these music works that are combined with electronic music, jazz and traditional musical instruments. In recent years, she has been invited by the University of North Georgia, Emory and other well-known universities for exchange performances and New Year concerts. She has also performed in Gwinnett 200th Celebration, NAAAP Atlanta events , Atlanta international nightmarket and major international cultural and arts festivals.

Apart from being invited to give lectures on folk music and concert performances, she has also led the Magic Eastern Ensemble to participate in various major arts festivals in Atlanta, including the Atlanta Chinese IT Association, the Chinese Business Association of Atlanta, and some major performances of Chinese groups. The idea that folk music can be passed down and rejuvenated has been well implemented. Therefore, under her leadership, the form and content of the orchestra have received wide praise and unanimous recognition.

Magic Eastern Ensemble(all kinds of Chinese instrument) founder and music director. Magic Eastern Music Studio Founder Georgia Asian Music Association President

路瑶, 毕业于上海戏剧学院。旅美青年竹笛演奏家,青年古筝演奏家。



在美期间,创建了魔力东方音乐工作室。组建了由年轻人为主的魔力东方乐团。立志在国外推广传统民族器乐文化以及符合西方音乐文化审美的跨界新民乐。并且得到了著名台湾作曲家,音乐创作者,第二十一届传艺类金曲奖得主Christina Liang 梁启慧女士的支持与鼓励,演奏由她改编创作的一些乐曲,比如《康定情歌》等。这些结合了电子乐,jazz和传统乐器的形式,也让当地的美国人和华裔们对中国传统乐器产生了兴趣,并且有了新的认知。近年来更是受邀至University of North Georgia、Emory等知名大学进行交流演出及新年音乐会演出,Gwinnett 200周年庆祝演出,NAAAP亚特兰大亚洲领袖峰会,国际夜市以及各大国际文化艺术节等。除了个人受邀做一些宣传民乐的讲座、音乐会演出外。还带领魔力东方乐团参加各类亚特兰大地区大型艺术节的演出、亚特兰大IT协会、亚特兰大中国商会以及一些华人团体的重大演出活动。将民乐可以传承也可以年轻化的想法落实与行动当中。因此乐团演出形式和内容也广受好评。


